ITALEDEKOR can be applied to any surface, however the surface has to be always even, dry, clean, free of stains and dust. In case the wall is moldy or there are fungi thriving on it, treat the surface adequately, then apply a waterproof paint layer. Clean any water solvent stains (e.g. rust, mould, leaks, nicotine, etc.), or, if the success of this is questionable, apply water proof paint. Before priming, make sure that on the wall there are not too many layers of possibly older or weaker quality paint, because the high amount of water used during the application of the wall-coating may cause thick or weak layers to peel off the wall. To prevent this from happening, remove the old paint layers. Apply one layer of a water-based dispersion deep-primer. Surfaces treated earlier with lime or lime hydrate must be in all cases repainted with two layers of deep primer, depending on the absorption capacity of the surface.
Protect the surfaces not intended to be coated with ITALEDEKOR using plastic film before applying the material.
if the quality of the wall is uncertain, create a test surface, and only if the process was successful apply the ITALEDEKOR on the whole surface.
In the package of the ITALEDEKOR the powder form CMC based glue is separately packed. Solve the glue first to begin the blending. Blending has to be started by soaking the glue. Use 6 liters of lukewarm water for the glue necessary for each kilograms of wall-coating to be mixed (E.g.: 18 liters of water for a 3 kg package). Filter the glue solution with a strainer to avoid an occasionally lumpy solution. If you blend colored material, then add the coloring to this mixture (see section III. Coloring), so the material will obtain the color desired. Then let the material rest for a while (ca. 30-60 minutes) and add again 1-3 liter of water for each kg of the original material, according to the kind of application, (using a spray gun or a trowel, or roller) to reach the desired density. Blending can be done manually or with the help of a machine (e.g. a mixing rod). With the mixture of different colored materials a wide scale and decorative selection is available, which can be really experienced in practice. To get acquainted with the basic methods, please contact our professionals.
We note here that by a slight change in the amount of the glue used the surface hardness of the finished changes. Thus with less glue the stiffness of the surfaces will decrease, but the material's adaptability and dilatational capability increases, or with additional glue a more durable surface is created for applications exposed to higher friction (e.g. corridors).
apply the material only after the preparation the wall surface is dry (i.e. only after the repaired or the trowelled surface is dry). Blend the material used for the same room or surface at once to even out the possible differences in color between separately blended portions.
Coloring of the ITALEDEKOR happens with the help of coloring material blended into the prepared liquid glue. If you use powder coloring solve it into some water (0.5-1 liter), and add it to the gluing material. In case of liquid coloring it can be added directly to the prepared gluing material.
With the mixture of different colored materials a wide scale and decorative selection is available, which can be really experienced in practice. To get acquainted with the basic methods, please contact our professionals.
An important advantage of ITALEDEKOR is that, beyond the possibilities given by the basic colors and its variations, the desired shade can be “customized” on the spot of application. In order to do so a water-soluble paint that keeps its color well has to be used.
since various kinds of leather are used during the manufacturing process and as different paints do not color the raw materials in an uniform way, the manufacturer disclaims all responsibility due to additional coloring; the user may do this at his/her own risk.
ITALEDEKOR can be applied by spraying, using a trowel and rolling but also by the combination of the three methods. The sprayed surface is rusticated, more rough; troweling results in a plain, even surface, while rolling results in a intermediate surface between the two previous surfaces. Different combinations of the three methods are possible. For example, the sprayed surface may be evened after a little drying; or the surface finished with a trowel may be sprayed, "hazed, dusted" by a different color for decorational purposes.
You may do the spraying using a so-called plaster-gun available in retail stores (e.g. Storch art. No.631801). Spray the material in three layers. Use 15–20% of the material in the first layer; after it is dry use 70–75% in the second layer to create an almost finished surface. The material left over should practically be used for the repair of occasionally empty spots. If needed use the decorating glitters in this last (diluted) layer. The material is extremely easy to spray (e.g. a pressure of 3–3.5 bars is enough for spraying by gun). If the gun does not spray the wall-coating material then either the material is not mixed properly (it is dry, lumpy), or does not contain enough water.
ITALEDEKOR may be applied using a trowel and roller as well. Troweling shall be made using a plastic trowel, and rolling using a roller being similar to the Teddy roller made for the application of liquid wallpapers. For troweling and rolling please use less wet material. Dilute the material originally mixed just to a small extent. A special „marble” surface is obtained, if material with two or more colors is blended and in the course of the application these various colors are slightly mixed in small portions and then applied by trowel or roller. By roller or trowel the material can easily be applied by the house owner.
if spots with color variation are found in the course of troweling or rolling a material with just one color, then the material is not properly mixed. Remove the spotted part and blend the whole quantity of the material once more again carefully. The material blended should possibly be used up within 36 hours, because afterwards color variations and the weakening of the glue might happen.
As ITALEDEKOR contains a great amount of water when applied, make sure that there is an adequate temperature (18–22°C) and intensive ventilation in the room. The average drying period is 48 hours; complete drying may take 10 days. If you use a heater for drying, heat the air of the room evenly; do not expose the wall directly to the heater, because warming it at different points may cause spots appearing on the surface after drying and then these spots might peel off the wall. In the rooms without open windows, secure the ventilation of the air for intensive drying (i.e. using a fan). Drying may be accelerated with the use a de-moisturizing machine.